
HolD FaSt tO DreaMs BecauSe If DreaMs Die LiFe is a BroKen WinGeD BirD that CaNnoT fLy.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

PR-an endless chase for glory!!

When i first came to college i planned on going to pharmacy school and really had no idea what PR was. The truth is that my ex girlfriend told me about this feild and it interested me. I knew that pharmacy wasnt for me and i was just doing it because the pay was amazing and worth the effort. But college isnt a means to an end for me so i wanted to live these next few years to the fullest. I figured that if i get into communcations and focus on PR i can eventually achieve my childhood dream o working in california as an agent or publcist. The problem was that everyone i knew had no idea wat PR was and i they did they figured it was just another office job where you sit in a cublicle all day dealing with clients needs. Personally i dont want to work in one company my entire life and dealing with clients on a consistent basis. PR leaves so much room to avoid letting your life turn into a routine. Sure i hate the fact that i havea  long ladder to climb in order to get where i want to be. I also cant stand to work with people richer then me buts that a personal ego issue. But id rather be bouncing around in the communications world looking fo the next big opportunity then spending 4 more years in school to get a job that i dont even like. I see PR as a process of evolving oneself. I may not be the best writer yet but i will be. I have great people skills but have plenty of room to develop them once i start getting facetime with clients and the media. Once ive developed my skills i can find a position in the communication world that gives me the glory ive been searching for. ONce ive found that position there no stopping yet. Have keep evolving as technology, media, and society evolves. The point im trying to make is that PR or communications in general is the deepest experience pool in terms of career i can think of. You never know what youll be doing next year and thats what i love.


  1. I totally agree with you. PR is a field that is constantly changing. It's keeps life interesting because you never quite know what you will be dealing with the next day.

  2. It's funny, at the end of your post you said you don't know what you'll be doing a year from now and that's what you love about it.

    For me that is what I don't like about PR. The field is constantly changing, and I'm somebody who likes to be on a schedule and know what I have for tasks for the next hour/day/year/etc.

    I like public relations because I love to write and communicate with people.

  3. I agree with Peter on this one. I fall victim to the comfort that comes with being on a schedule. For the most part, I like to know what to expect, but I don't think that not knowing is always something that come with being a PR professional.

    Depending wherever you wind up there is definitely consistancy to be found. What I personally love about PR is that your clients can always change. You might be doing similar work everyday (as far as press releases, pitching, and media relations- which is where the schedule idea somes into play- ) but who it is for is always changing. In this profession we get the chance to work with dozens of different people and organziations, participate in different events, etc. I think that's what I am most excited for.

  4. I agree 100%! PR is a field where we are constantly learning. I can't think of a better field to get involved with.
